Exchange your cryptocurrencies

GMOPAY is a p2p crypto exchange marketplace where people can trade crypto directly with each other.

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3M Happy Users
Best Bitcoin Platform

Buy Crypto Currencies

With a proven track record and a mature approach to the industry, we provide a reliable buying platform for cryptocurrencies.

Sell Crypto Currency

With a proven track record and a mature approach to the industry, we provide a reliable selling platform for cryptocurrency.

Why People Choose Us

Earning the trust of our clients has always been our highest priority. We earn that trust through the best security in the business. Our platform provides world-class financial stability and the highest standards of legal compliance.

Legal Company

Our company conducts absolutely legal activities. We are certified to operate this business, we are legal and safe.

High reliability

We are trusted by a huge number of people. We are working hard constantly to improve the level of our security system and minimize possible risks.

Earn extra income

Buy and Sell your Bitcoin at your chosen rate and it is a great opportunity for all the uses to get more profit from this site.

Sell Bitcoin online

The selling process is also simple! Sell your Bitcoin at your chosen rate, and get paid in one of the numerous payment methods.

Buy Bitcoin Online

The buying process is so simple with this site. Just log in to the account and buy any of the bitcoin package based on demand.

Easy Access

It's a most reliable site and easy to access. We maintain a very simple login process and easy configuration for all the users.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions.

通过GMOPAY用户的身份,您可以自由选择平台上P2P的卖家以及不同的费率,由于GMOPAY是一个P2P市场,您可以直接从全球超过 300 万用户那里寻找适合您的卖家。

If you’re buying, send payment directly to the seller; if you’re selling, send Bitcoin Cash to our blind escrow. Once payment is received by the seller, the BCH is released to the buyer.

GMOPAY联盟商家享受专属客户服务,24/7 小时全球客服为您解决订单问题。


通过GMOPAY用户的身份,您可以自由选择平台上P2P的买家以及不同的费率,由于GMOPAY是一个P2P市场,您可以直接从全球超过 300 万用户那里寻找适合您的买家。

Bitcoin is a consensus network that enables a new payment system and completely digital money. It is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that is powered by its users with no central authority or middlemen. From a user perspective, Bitcoin is pretty much like cash for the Internet. Bitcoin can also be seen as the most prominent triple entry bookkeeping system in existence.

Welcome to the peer-to-peer finance revolution!

Trade cryptocurrency globally. Multiple payment methods. Free bitcoin wallet. And much more right here!